This is a funny story. The associate publisher of VegNews, Colleen Holland, contacted me a couple of months ago after she got an advance copy of Secret Recipes. VegNews, a wonderfully written and gorgeously designed publication about all things vegan, has reviewed and excerpted my *real* cookbooks, and I've written a couple of travel pieces for them.
So Colleen wanted to know if they could have copies of Secret Recipes to give as a gift to the eight newlywed couples featured in the May/June issue (the vegan weddings is a popular annual feature). I wrote back: Are you sure? This is kind of a perverse gift for newlyweds, and you know, those ghastly pix of 1950s meat dishes . . . But she Colleen was sure, and I inscribed the books to all the couples, "Here's to Happily Ever After" — despite the cynicism in the book, Happily Ever Ambrosia is the final "recipe." We all still want to indulge in that one!
So, the newly married couples featured in the May/June issue have received a box of vegan chocolates from Rose City Chocolatier, a soy candle from Scandle Candle, and what is described as "a signed copy of Nava Atlas' hysterical new book." If you're not familiar with this fantastic magazine, I highly recommend it. Even if you're not a vegan, you'll find much to enjoy in